Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Roger Ailes, chairman of the Fox News network

In a letter to Fox, Nevada’s two most senior Democrats complained that Roger Ailes had gone “too far” when he joked on air that Barack Obama was “on the move” and that President George W Bush might call President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan to ask: “Why can’t we catch this guy?”

The joke flamed well known rivalries between conservative FoxNews and liberal groups. But it seems clear to me that Roger Ailes wasn't trying to push a conservatiev agenda. Instead, I think he was smack-talking to his main rival, CNN. CNN accidentally aired a "Where's Obama" title for a story about finding Osama bin Ladin.

I'm not part of the Democratic political machine, but if I were, I wouldn't make a big fuss about this remark. It just creates more news associating Obama and Osama. Forget it, move on, talk about the issues, point out all of the many many problems with the current administration's policies, and move on.

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