Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Barack Obama on the War in Iraq

"A war that after half a trillion dollars and over 3,000 of our bravest young men and women lost, we actually find ourselves less safe than we were before."
** Barack Obama, February 2007

Barack is taking a more aggressive position on the Iraq War than democratic front-runner Sen Hillary Clinton. In new Hampshire last month, Sen. Clinton was asked (over and over and over) to call her vote in favor of the Iraq War a "mistake" --- but she refused.

The "War on Terror" and especially the strategy in Iraq seems to be dominating all of the presidential campaigns. While it is a VERY important topic, it isn't the only issue that we need to discuss and engage in. I'd like to hear Barack and Hillary talk more about the environment, education, international trade, relationships with Europe and Asia, etc

Let's hope that the debate deepens.


Vote Mccain91 said...

obama does not know what he is doin. Vote Mccain not obama i dont trust our troops with obama. but i do trust John Mccain

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