Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hillary 1984 Macintosh Spoof

Well, this is the video that seems to have everyone in the political blogosphere up in arms. "Vote Different" (aka the 1984 Hillary video) has over 2 million views already on YouTube.

The poor guy who created the video lost his job at Blue State Digital. Bummer dude.

Personally, I kind of like the video clip. Always liked this famous ad, and while i'm sure it was pretty easy to splice in the Hillary stuff, it still took some creative energy to come up with the idea. I think Hillary should hire the guy!

Here is the link to the youtube page with the original video:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hillary 1984 YouTube Video

Wow, this is a powerful video attacking Hillary Clinton and supporting Barack Obama. The imagery from the 1984 Macintosh Advertisement for Apple is strong stuff. This one's only had 100,000 or so views so far, but I'm sure it'll get more attention soon.

I expect to see more and more "home' videos impacting this presidential election cycle. It is so much easier to mashup videos and commercials to make a political statement now.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Roger Ailes, chairman of the Fox News network

In a letter to Fox, Nevada’s two most senior Democrats complained that Roger Ailes had gone “too far” when he joked on air that Barack Obama was “on the move” and that President George W Bush might call President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan to ask: “Why can’t we catch this guy?”

The joke flamed well known rivalries between conservative FoxNews and liberal groups. But it seems clear to me that Roger Ailes wasn't trying to push a conservatiev agenda. Instead, I think he was smack-talking to his main rival, CNN. CNN accidentally aired a "Where's Obama" title for a story about finding Osama bin Ladin.

I'm not part of the Democratic political machine, but if I were, I wouldn't make a big fuss about this remark. It just creates more news associating Obama and Osama. Forget it, move on, talk about the issues, point out all of the many many problems with the current administration's policies, and move on.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Barack Obama Parking Tickets Make the News

Presidential hopeful Barack Obama received 17 parking tickets in Cambridge, MA between 1988 and 1991. Now, many many years later...those parking tickets are making the news.

The Cambridge Traffic, Parking and Transportation office finally got paid in January of this year - just before Barack began his formal bid for the presidency. And this week, the news media picked up the story.

Personally, I don't think this matters. Who cares... I get parking tickets all the time. I forget to pay them all the time.

But, that's all the news available on Mr Obama, tune in next week and hopefully there will be something better going down.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Why is Marack Obama my top referring keyword!

This is a relatively new blog about Barack Obama and his presidential race. So far I've posted mostly breaking news or short blurbs about his campaign trail.. I'm still personally learning about Barack as a candidate, so it is too early for me to write deep analysis yet.

But I've been watching my blog stats and noticed something kind of funny. My most popular search keyword so far is "Marack Obama"! Well, I guess M is close to B on the keyboard, but then I would have expected Narack Obama or Varack Obama. Oh well, I guess readers who can't type well are still better than no readers at all. For those of you with a typing problem, welcome to my blog!

I also noticed that the most popular post so far is the full text of Barack Obama's DNC speech. Yeah, it was a good one and worth reading for a second time.

I'll write more soon...

Barack Obama on the Scooter Libby verdict

Barack Obama made the following statement on the Scooter Libby verdict.

"The conviction today underscores what happens when our foreign and national security policies are subverted by politics and ideology. Leaks and innuendo in pursuit of a flawed policy lead to shameful episodes such as this. It should never happen again."

Monday, March 5, 2007

Barack Obama on Monday Night Football

This video clip is from back in December, but I just found it on YouTube and thought is was worth re-posting on my Bring Obama Barack blog.

Here ya go...

GOP voters are confused about Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani continues to enjoy a wide lead over his rivals for the Republican nomination for president in part because a large majority of GOP voters still don't know the former New York City mayor favors legalized abortion.

Newsweek found that Giuliani won in hypothetical head-to-head matchups against both Sen. John McCain and former Gov. Mitt Romney. However, only one third of Republicans who say they are social conservatives knew Giuliani is pro-abortion.

The Democratic ticket is more clear on this issue, with most Dem candidate supporting abortion rights. Barack Obama has been fighting for a woman's right to choose for over a decade.

Barack Obama reaches out to college newspapers

Bill Burton, national press secretary for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, held a conference call with college newspapers throughout the country.

“Young people have always, as Sen. Obama has said, put their shoulders to the wheel of history to make change,” Burton said at the opening of the call. “Sen. Obama has been committed to getting college students involved.”

If you remember, celebrity rapper Eminem tried to reach young voters during the 2004 election with his hit "Mosh". Perhaps this time around the college vote will turn out to vote in greater numbers.

Sen Hillary Clinton compliments Barack Obama

"It's excellent that we have a candidate like Barack Obama who embodies what all of you fought for here 42 years ago," Sen. Hillary Clinton said at a civil rights gathering. Barack Obama is "doing an excellent job for this country and we're going to be marching arm-in-arm."

John Edwards also speaks about civil rights

Presidential hopeful John Edwards referred to civil rights in his address in Berkeley California. "The fight for civil rights and equal rights and economic and social justice is more than just going to celebrations, even as wonderful as the one in Selma," John Edwards said in remarks prepared for delivery as he referred to Berkeley janitors' fight for a wage increase. "The fight is going on right here, right now."

Barack Obama and Selma

"If it hasn't been for Selma, I wouldn't be here," Barack Obama said. "This is the site of my conception. I am the fruits of your labor. I am the offspring of the movement. When people ask me whether I've been to Selma before, I tell them I'm coming home."

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Barack Obama and Homeland Security

Barack Obama wants to change the government's formula for giving states money for homeland security. Barack's opinion is that the allocation of funding should be based on the degree of "terrorism risk" in each state. "Risk" would be determined by the Department of Homeland Security.

This strikes me as a reasonable guiding principle. Sen. Obama wants to give states with higher terrorist threat more federal homeland security budget. But it won't be easy to convince Senators from smaller states to go along with the plan. Politics, politics, politics.

Of course it helps Obama that his home state would get a big win-fall if his proposal goes through. Oh, and many of the early voting states that Barack hopes to win in the primary elections would also get a boost. Iowa would get an additional $119,000; Nevada would get $86,000 more; and South Carolina would receive $175,000 more funding.

Democratic presidential polls

A new Washington Post/ABC news poll suggests that support for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is sharply increasing among African-Americans.

Barack Obama leads Hillary Clinton 44% to 33% among black voters. Polls in December and January showed Hillary with a lead of 60% to 20% over Barack among black voters.

Hillary Clinton still has a 36-24 lead over Barack Obama overall. In early January she had a much wider margin of 41% vs. 17%

Barack Obama gains on Hillary Clinton

France Press is reporting on the latest polls. Hillary Clinton is losing ground to Barack Obama. Since the last poll:

Hillary dropped from 40% to 36%
Barack increased from 21% to 24%

The poll was held February 22 to 25 amid 1,082 residents of the United States.

Source: Kommersant